立即體驗 HArmonyCa™


作為雙效混合注射療程,HArmonyCa™美神針™ 高端結合透明質酸和CaHA1,不但能刺激自身膠原蛋白再生,更可能立即呈現臨床實證的顯著改善效果。*†‡# ¶§ 2-5

*A post marketing clinical follow up of safety and performance of HArmonyCa™ with lidocaine (N=162).2

†Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCa™ with results demonstrated over 12 weeks.3

‡Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCa™ with results demonstrated over 8 weeks.4

#Results from a prospective and non-randomised interventional study where HArmonyCa™ was injected in the preauricular region of 15 women. The primary endpoint were the volumetric changes at Day 180. Secondary endpoints included changes in facial tension vectors, time to filler tissue integration and safety profile.5

¶Ultrasound and elastography examinations were performed using the Samsung HT 30 ultrasound machine and the ElastoScan HS30/XH30 respectively (Samsung Healthcare Global). When compared to baseline, an increase in density, viscoelasticity, and firmness of the tissue was observed at 60 days and then confirmed at 90 days after treatment. At 180 days after treatment an increase in collagen in the treated areas was confirmed.5

§Vectra® H2 (Canfield Scientific, Inc.) was used to assess skin lift and tightening by measuring the changes in FTV at 60, 90, and 180 days after treatment. As compared to pre-treatment values, FTV significantly increased at all timepoints with a median (interquartile-range) increased by 2.2 (1.6– 2.2) mm and 2.0 (1.7–2.2) mm in the right and left side, respectively p < 0.0001 each, 180 days after treatment.5




* Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCa™ with results demonstrated over 12 weeks which showed that HArmonyCa™ lead to an instant lift following injection.3

†Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCa™ with results demonstrated over 8 weeks.4

‡Results from a prospective and non-randomised interventional study where HArmonyCa™ was injected in the preauricular region of 15 women. The primary endpoint were the volumetric changes at Day 180. Secondary endpoints included changes in facial tension vectors, time to filler tissue integration and safety profile.5

§Ultrasound and elastography examinations were performed using the Samsung HT 30 ultrasound machine and the ElastoScan HS30/XH30 respectively (Samsung Healthcare Global). When compared to baseline, an increase in density, viscoelasticity, and firmness of the tissue was observed at 60 days and then confirmed at 90 days after treatment. At 180 days after treatment an increase in collagen in the treated areas was confirmed.5

¶Vectra® H2 (Canfield Scientific, Inc.) was used to assess skin lift and tightening by measuring the changes in FTV at 60, 90, and 180 days after treatment. As compared to pre-treatment values, FTV significantly increased at all timepoints with a median (interquartile-range) increased by 2.2 (1.6– 2.2) mm and 2.0 (1.7–2.2) mm in the right and left side, respectively p < 0.0001 each, 180 days after treatment.5

為何選擇 HArmonyCA™ 美神針™?

HACA / A / - / Icons / Circle


面部老化的成因包括肌膚失去豐盈感和軟組織結構失去支撐。6–8 HArmonyCa™美神針™有效改善臉頰和下顎線,讓中面部重現豐盈感。.* ‡ 1,5

HACA / A / - / Icons / Circle

一次療程 即現效果**11

讓您擁有緊緻、飽滿的肌膚!*†‡§,5 雙效功能的HArmonyCa™美神針™能直接在肌底持續刺激膠原蛋白再生,9,10 促進肌膚自然生成新的膠原纖維。9

HACA / A / - / Icons / Circle


關於HArmonyCA™美神針™療程後對自我形象改善的評分,受訪用家給予3.7/5的高滿意評分。,**,††,11 92%的用家均表示獲得了「顯著改善」的效果。‡‡11

* Results from a prospective and non-randomised interventional study where HArmonyCa™ was injected in the preauricular region of 15 women. The primary endpoint were the volumetric changes at Day 180. Secondary endpoints included changes in facial tension vectors, time to filler tissue integration and safety profile.5

† Ultrasound and elastography examinations were performed using the Samsung HT 30 ultrasound machine and the ElastoScan HS30/XH30 respectively (Samsung Healthcare Global). When compared to baseline, an increase in density, viscoelasticity, and firmness of the tissue was observed at 60 days and then confirmed at 90 days after treatment. At 180 days after treatment an increase in collagen in the treated areas was confirmed.5

‡ Vectra® H2 (Canfield Scientific, Inc.) was used to assess skin lift and tightening by measuring the changes in FTV at 60, 90, and 180 days after treatment. As compared to pre-treatment values, FTV significantly increased at all timepoints with a median (interquartile-range) increased by 2.2 (1.6– 2.2) mm and 2.0 (1.7–2.2) mm in the right and left side, respectively p < 0.0001 each, 180 days after treatment.5

§ HArmonyCa™ can be injected in the preauricular area and in the ascending and descending branches of the jaw.1,5

**A post marketing clinical follow up of safety and performance of HArmonyCa™ (N=62).11

††Performance evaluation using the 5-point Likert Scale User Satisfaction Questionnaire. Data presented is from the early follow up satisfaction cohort (N=62).11
‡‡Assessment of general appearance of subjects compared to baseline using the GAIS scale resulted in 91.6 % of subjects graded as showing any improvement. The mean GAIS score for treatment with HArmonyCa™ Lidocaine fell between "improved " and "much improved", demonstrating clinical effectiveness of the dermal filler (N=48).11