

*Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCa™ with lidocaine, with results demonstrated over 8 weeks.5

† Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCa™ with lidocaine, with results demonstrated over 12 weeks.2

1 Segal T, et al. 2014 – Post marketing study of safety and efficacy of Crystalys, a calcium hydroxyapatite based filler for facial soft tissue augmentation. Available at: https://www.luminera.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Post- marketing-study-Crystalys.pdf. Accessed July 2023.

2 Park S, et al. Ann Dermatol. 2014;26:357–362.

3 Gonzaga da Cunha M, et al. Surg Cosmet Dermatol. 2020;12:109–117.

4 Zerbinati N, Calligaro A. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2018;11:29–35.

5 Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. HArmonyCa™ Lidocaine INT- HAR2150040. Collagen stimulation. Jul 2021.

6 Aguirre-Cruz G et al. Antioxidants (Basel) 2020; 9.

7 Salwowska NM et al. J Cosmet Dermatol 2016; 15:520–526.

8 Lowe NJ, Lowe P. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2012; 2(1):14

9 HArmonyCa™ IFU. 73960EU10. M049 V01. Revision December 2021.

10 Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. HarmonyCa™ Lidocaine INT-HAR2150036. Lift capacity. Jul 2021.




HArmonyCa™美神針™可用於面部不同位置,包括臉頰和下顎線。1,2 您可以在醫美諮詢時分享您的擔憂和療程目標。醫生將根據您的需求制定適合的療程方案,並會建議療程前後的注意事項。1,3

1. HArmonyCa™ IFU. 73960EU10. M049 V01. Revision December 2021.

2. Urdiales-Gálvez F, et al. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2023. doi: 10.1111/jocd.

3. Lipko-Godlewska S, et al. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2021;14:169–178.



1. HArmonyCa™ IFU. 73960EU10. M049 V01. Revision December 2021.




HArmonyCa™美神針™擁有良好的耐受性和風險效益比。*1 就如其他注射療程一樣,療程後可能出現一些短期的副作用,包括紅腫、疼痛、觸痛和痕癢。†2

*In a post-marketing clinical analysis of HArmonyCa™ (N=162), conducted in Israel, one unrelated serious side effect was reported and one side effect required medical intervention due to material migration into the lips and over correction.1

†Please see HArmonyCa™ IFU for the full list of side effects, contraindications, warnings and precautions.2

1 Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. HArmonyCa™ Lidocaine. Clinical Study Report. July 2022.

2 HArmonyCa™ IFU. 73960EU10. M049 V01. Revision December 2021.




- 常見副作用未在既定的時間內改善甚至惡化
- 出現其他副作用

1 HArmonyCa™ IFU. 73960EU10. M049 V01. Revision December 2021.




* Please see HArmonyCa IFU for the full list of warnings and precautions.1

1 HArmonyCa™ IFU. 73960EU10. M049 V01. Revision December 2021.



* Please see HArmonyCa™ IFU for the full list of side effects, contraindications, warnings and precautions.1

1 HArmonyCa™ IFU. 73960EU10. M049 V01. Revision December 2021.




*Results from a prospective and non-randomised interventional study where HArmonyCa™ was injected in the preauricular region of 15 women. The primary endpoint were the volumetric changes at Day 180. Secondary endpoints included changes in facial tension vectors, time to filler tissue integration and safety profile.1

†Ultrasound and elastography examinations were performed using the Samsung HT 30 ultrasound machine and the ElastoScan HS30/XH30 respectively (Samsung Healthcare Global). When compared to baseline, an increase in density, viscoelasticity, and firmness of the tissue was observed at 60 days and then confirmed at 90 days after treatment. At 180 days after treatment an increase in collagen in the treated areas was confirmed.1

‡Vectra® H2 (Canfield Scientific, Inc.) was used to assess skin lift and tightening by measuring the changes in facial tension vectors (FTV) at 60, 90, and 180 days after treatment. As compared to pre-treatment values, FTV significantly increased at all timepoints with a median (interquartile-range) increased by 2.2 (1.6– 2.2) mm and 2.0 (1.7–2.2) mm in the right and left side, respectively p < 0.0001 each, 180 days after treatment.1

#Vectra® H2 (Canfield Scientific, Inc.) was used to assess volumetric changes, with a median (interquartile-range) volume increased by 2.1 (1.9–2.3) cc and 2.1 (1.8–2.2) cc in the right-and left-side, respectively, p<0.0001 each at Day 180.1

1.Urdiales-Gálvez F et al., J Cosmet Dermatol. 2023;00:1–12.


想擁有愉快的療程體驗?就要選擇一位經驗豐富、清楚了解HArmonyCa™ 美神針™ 注射技術的醫生為您量身定制適合個人需求的療程方案。1,2

HArmonyCa™美神針™的主要成份 CaHA 能改善面部不對稱和整體外觀3。超過九成用家更親身見證理想的改善效果。*†4

*A post marketing clinical follow up of safety and performance of HArmonyCa™ (N=162).4†Performance evaluation using the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale.4

1 HArmonyCa™ IFU. 73960EU10. M049 V01. Revision December 2021.

2 Lipko-Godlewska S, et al. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2021;14:169–178

3 Segal T, et al. 2014 – Post marketing study of safety and efficacy of Crystalys, a calcium hydroxyapatite based filler for facial soft tissue augmentation. Available at: https://www.luminera.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Post-marketing-study-Crystalys.pdf. Accessed July 2023.

4 Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. HArmonyCa™ Lidocaine. Clinical Study Report. July 2022.



  • 已知對產品成分(包括類固醇)存在過敏反應或過往有嚴重過敏反應
  • 患有皮膚疾病或異常皮膚狀況,又或較易出現蟹足腫、增生性疤痕或出現炎症性皮膚狀況
  • 於治療位置附近出現感染或炎症
  • 正在因患病或服用藥物而影響癒合能力
  • 正在懷孕或哺乳
  • 未滿18歲

* Please see HArmonyCa IFU for the full list of side effects, contraindications, warnings and precautions.1 

1 HArmonyCa™ IFU. 73960EU10. M049 V01. Revision December 2021.