


*Results from a prospective and non-randomised interventional study where HArmonyCa™ was injected in the preauricular region of 15 women. The primary endpoint were the volumetric changes at Day 180. Secondary endpoints included changes in facial tension vectors, time to filler tissue integration and safety profile.7
†Ultrasound and elastography examinations were performed using the Samsung HT 30 ultrasound machine and the ElastoScan HS30/XH30 respectively (Samsung Healthcare Global). When compared to baseline, an increase in density, viscoelasticity, and firmness of the tissue was observed at 60 days and then confirmed at 90 days after treatment. At 180 days after treatment an increase in collagen in the treated areas was confirmed.7
‡ Vectra® H2 (Canfield Scientific, Inc.) was used to assess skin lift and tightening by measuring the changes in facial tension vectors (FTV) at 60, 90, and 180 days after treatment. As compared to pre-treatment values, FTV significantly increased at all timepoints with a median (interquartile-range) increased by 2.2 (1.6– 2.2) mm and 2.0 (1.7–2.2) mm in the right and left side, respectively p < 0.0001 each, 180 days after treatment.7



面部老化的常見問題包括肌膚失去豐盈感和軟組織結構失去支撐。1-3 作為雙效混合注射療程,HArmonyCa™美神針™高端結合透明質酸和CaHA8,透過注射至肌膚底層8,能全面地針對面部衰老的成因。HArmonyCa™美神針™的主要成份 CaHA能提升肌膚的緊緻度,並改善整體外觀。5 HArmonyCa™美神針™是專為因初老開始而令肌膚失去彈性及豐盈感而設。‡7,8

*Results from a prospective and non-randomised interventional study where HArmonyCa™ was injected in the preauricular region of 15 women. The primary endpoint were the volumetric changes at Day 180. Secondary endpoints included changes in facial tension vectors, time to filler tissue integration and safety profile.7
†Ultrasound and elastography examinations were performed using the Samsung HT 30 ultrasound machine and the ElastoScan HS30/XH30 respectively (Samsung Healthcare Global). When compared to baseline, an increase in density, viscoelasticity, and firmness of the tissue was observed at 60 days and then confirmed at 90 days after treatment. At 180 days after treatment an increase in collagen in the treated areas was confirmed.7
‡ HArmonyCa™ can be injected in the preauricular area and in the ascending and descending branches of the jaw.7,8



隨年齡增長,透明質酸、膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白會逐漸流失,讓肌膚逐漸變薄並失去彈性。2 不同的方法都能增加膠原蛋白,但膠原蛋白面霜和營養補充品都需要每天使用,才能為肌膚帶來人工添加膠原蛋白9,而HArmonyCa™美神針™則能在肌膚層直接刺激膠原蛋白再生8,由療程後第一個星期開始已經見效。*10

HArmonyCa™美神針™刺激肌膚自主新生膠原纖維,帶來更細密、更彈性、更緊緻的效果。† ,,7

*Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCa™ with lidocaine, with results demonstrated over 8 weeks.10
† Ultrasound and elastography examinations were performed using the Samsung HT 30 ultrasound machine and the ElastoScan HS30/XH30 respectively (Samsung Healthcare Global) . When compared to baseline, an increase in density, viscoelasticity, and firmness of the tissue was observed at 60 days and then confirmed at 90 days after treatment. At 180 days after treatment an increase in collagen in the treated areas was confirmed.7
‡ Results from a prospective and non-randomised interventional study where HArmonyCa™ was injected in the preauricular region of 15 women. The primary endpoint were the volumetric changes at Day 180. Secondary endpoints included changes in facial tension vectors, time to filler tissue integration and safety profile.7



HArmonyCa™美神針™的長期安全跟進研究顯示,沒有發生與療程相關的持續不良事件。*†11 常見的副作用包括紅腫、疼痛、觸痛和痕癢,普遍會在24至48小時內得到改善,而腫脹則會在大約一周內完全消退。8

*In a post-marketing clinical analysis of HArmonyCa™ (N=162), conducted in Israel, one unrelated serious side effect was reported and one side effect required medical intervention due to material migration into the lips and over correction.5
†Time from treatment to last follow-up ranged from 1–4 to >24 months, with the majority between 12–24 months (65.4%). The long-term safety group included all 162 subjects. This follow-up considered long term side effects which still existed at the time of follow-up, serious side effects, and side effects which required special intervention.5




療程後或會出現一些副作用,包括紅、腫和刺激感。8 透過HArmonyCa™美神針™療程,不但能即現顯著提升,新生膠原亦會由第一個星期開始出現。*†,10,14


*Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCa™ with lidocaine, with results demonstrated over 12 weeks.8
†Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCa™ with lidocaine, with results demonstrated over 12 weeks.9